The nails of the foot (mycosis, tinea) – is an infectious disease, in which the defeat of the skin of feet, fingers, interdigital land. Often the pathology in combination with the defeat of the nail – onychomycosis. Cause thrush a microscopic fungus dermatophytes, molds and yeast strains.

If left untreated, the fungus extends from the heel to the entire limb. It increases the risk of erysipelas inflammation, education, warts and acceleration of the allergic reactions from the skin and mucus sheets. The body ceases to perceive antibacterial drugs, complicates the therapy of other diseases.
Causes fungus feet
Infectious fungus of the foot, usually causing fungi-Ascomycota. Some strains cause on the rubrofitii and rubromikoz, which occupy more than 70% of the diagnoses on the sponge. About 10% of the entire population of the planet is sick the fungus stop.
Mold and yeast-like fungus affecting the limbs, less often, their share makes up 1.5% of the cases.
For what reasons is happening assault feet fungus:
- Somatic pathology.
- Endocrine disorders.
- Hypothermia legs.
- Diabetes mellitus with symptom of diabetic foot.
- Dermatological diseases – psoriasis, eczema, eczema.
- Valgus deformation, etc. pathology of the foot.
- Visit the public places where you must walk barefoot (saunas, swimming pools, fitness-center).
- Excessive sweating of the skin of the feet (hyperhidrosis congenital or caused by other diseases).
- The decline of immunity in children and the elderly face. In 2. the group of patients with mold more often by men, if the nails on your feet I wonder onychomycosis.
- The abuse of means of antibacterial therapy, glucocorticoids, cytostatics, immunosuppressants. Factor a negative effect on the immune system and increases the incidence of fungal infections.
- A professional factor in the development of mycosis means the possibility of infection of employees baths, swimming pools, metal and coal mining industry, athletes, soldiers.
- Injury to the skin feet, led to the formation of corns, cracks, corns.
Favorite places to stop for a mold with the subsequent formation of warts are the land callosity and hyperkeratosis. Localization is explained by the deterioration of local immunity, has lost control over the development of human papillomavirus infection.
Clinical forms of mold feet
External signs of fungus of the feet, depends on the type of strain, which woke up the process, and the degree of involvement of the skin, nails and hair on the legs. Athlete and rubromikoz have time, so doctors combine their in "athlete's feet".

Species of fungus of the feet dermatologists issued the following:
- Scaly.
- The availability of on the skin of the bearings, similar to diaper rash).
- Is not functioning of the sweat glands.
- Onychomycosis, which flows to the normotroficheskie, atrophic or hypertrophic type.
We describe how it looks like fungus of the foot in the squamous form. In the initial stage of the skin redness and peeling. The changed sections have different square. Itching arises not in all patients.
The majority of patients at all do not see any signs of thrush. To the hospital do not go, and it gives the pathology of the option to change the flaky form on the disgidroticheskaya.
When disgidroticheskaya fungus of the foot visible symptoms will be more bubbles with a diameter of 2 – 8 mm. Which coalesce in a greater bearing, to detect and form the erosion.
From the arch of the foot fungus spreads to the outer and inner side parts. In addition to extensive erosion, on the site of the blisters formed diaper rash. Patients complain of pain and itching and noticed peeling.
In the absence of treatment of a fungal infection complicated by a bacterial. The symptoms of secondary infection are blurred the content of the bubbles with the metamorphosis in the purulent mass, increase in body temperature, swelling and significant redness of the skin.
Intertriginosny mycosis of the feet is considered to be the most common. It develops alone or on the background of the squamous forms. Affects the skin between the 4 and 5 fingers soles of the feet, less often develops in the space between the 3 and 4 fingers.
The main symptoms of intertriginous athlete's foot:
- Itching and burning sensation.
- Cracks on the skin in the white rim (the border is formed from the peeling of the epidermis).
- Oozing between the fingers of the affected limb.
- Replacement cracks erosion is severe pain of the land.
- The relaxation of the skin with consequent reduction in the local immunity. In the loose structure penetrate streptococci and cause skin inflammation with pus. Of the fabric become swollen, blush, intensifies the pain. The overall condition of the patient worsens.
Symptoms of Candida the destruction of the feet are interdigital erosion, arise because of the activities of the fungus Candida species. Altered areas are seen between 3 and 4 or 4 and 5 fingers of the lower extremities.
Patient the skin becomes edematous. From healthy tissue separates the "belt" of the epidermis, which fell. Problematic area forms blisters and bubble rashes.
If the fungus attacks the nails on the toes of the feet, the patient is diagnosed with "onychomycosis". In the initial stage of the pathology at the free edge of the nail of the thumb of the foot is seen the yellow stripes and spots. Hypertrophic onychomycosis characterized by thickening and brittleness of the plate, under which is visible flaky skin.

In atrophic onychomycosis destroyed the nail structure. Under a modified plate exposed to hardened skin. However, if onychomycosis develops in the result of the defeat of the foot mold mould, will the nail plate develop yellowish, acquires a brown, black, green or yellow color. Process accompanies inflammation of the nail bed – purulent inflammation of the nail bed.
Diagnosis and treatment of mycosis of the feet
For the treatment of fungus of the feet was conducted as efficiently as possible, the doctor is a must visit already in the presence of the first symptoms of the disease. Because the manifestations of the mycosis that they are not specific and correspond with the clinical picture of other dermatological disease, the specialist should distinguish it from psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and systemic red lupus.
To identify the pathogen and determine its belonging to some class of mold the patient spends:
- Scraping the nails.
- Microscopy.
- Microbiological study.
- DNA diagnostics of the material.
When making a decision, than to treat athlete's foot or the space between the fingers and nails, a dermatologist examines the advisability of systemic and combination therapy.
But without exception, the patient receives the appointment of external treatment. The basis of antimycotic therapy is the application of antifungal drugs varied effects and drug administration for the improvement of local blood circulation and the elimination of related diseases.
For the prevention of re-infection of the patient it is recommended that disinfection of personal belongings and household accessories of common areas.
Systemic treatment fungus feet
Preparations of systemic action in the form of tablets and ampoules when the athlete's foot shows a mild and a severe course of the process. Because of the many side effects, their income is carried out under strict medical control.
For mold removal with a stop called antifungals two groups:
- Synthesis.
- Allylamines.
Also in the treatment of mycosis of the feet are the application of antifungal agents with fungicidal effect. Working on growth suppression and complete destruction of the parasites.
Antifungals local action
Considering the ways how to treat fungus feet, stands separately say about the efficiency of application of preparations of local exposure. Easy handling of the skin sheets offers a plethora of dosage forms antifungal drugs. It ointments, lotions, sprays, creams, drops and powder against the mould on the foot.
In full the defeat of the nail is prescribed for its removal. The aim of the operation – to bring a colony of mold that ruined the board and increase the efficiency of the use of antifungal ointments. Removal spend either surgically under sterile conditions, using either a band-aid and ointment, anti-mould, which are able to destroy the affected nails.
Antifungal remedies of folk medicine
According to dermatologists, is a folk remedy for foot fungus without pharmacy drugs permitted to use in the early stages of thrush when it is not clearly expressed symptomatology. In other cases, traditional medicine can only supplement the main medical destination. A comprehensive approach provides the patient the quick repayment of the foci of inflammation and support local immunity.
Recipes for home treatment of mycosis of the feet by using folk remedies:

- Irrigation herbal decoction. Oak bark, dry berries blackberries, grass, verbena and calendula flowers mixed in equal amounts.3 century-ml phyto collection cook on low heat in 200 ml of water. Over 20 minutes ingredients filter it and in the warm form use for washing the trouble spots and the overlay wraps.
- Ointment from wood ashes. Sieved wood ash associated with pig grease in the education of a thick, oily mass. On the legs the product is applied morning and evening after hygienic procedures.
- Ointment of blue vitriol and yellow sulfur. The drug is prepared in fat pigs, mix the ingredients in the same quantities. The mass is fed to a boil, then bear in the dark room and wait for cool down. Processing the legs sulphur-vitriol balm carried out several times per day.
- Trays with milk and tea. His hands fresh herbs pour 2 – 3 liters of boiling water and wrap the capacity of the old blanket. After a 3 – to 4-hour connected with recovery herbal remedies to filter it and use for foot baths. Session time – 45 minutes. The bowl is held every 2 – 3 days until the thrush subsides completely.
- Coffee trays. If you are looking for a simple recipe, "how to treat foot fungus at home" to the rescue come of instant coffee. Drink firmly is cooked in the right amount of water, is poured into the pan and soar feet. The number of treatments is 1 – 2 a day. Task – to destroy pathogenic flora and to remove the odor that emanates the affected legs.
- Trays with wine vinegar. Before going to bed wash your feet with warm water and placed in a pan with the robust solution of wine vinegar. After 3 – 5 minutes feet, to wipe off and wear socks, impregnated with this solution. The procedure provides an antiseptic effect.
In addition, it is necessary to disinfect the floors of rooms and a bath, a shower and a toilet. In the future, it is advisable to avoid staying in humid environment of the common space.
The best preventive action in combating the fungus that can prevent diseases — strengthen the protective properties of the organism. This method is cheap, but the most effective and efficient. Medicine and folk methods of treatment it is necessary to agree with the doctor, at any time self can cause dangerous complications, which then fight much harder and longer.
To prevent re-infection, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, the necessarily sanitized, bedding and towels, which were in everyday life. For the fact that the treatment was well-timed and effective, it is necessary to timely seek medical help.